Airport Impacts?
In the past 3 years, New Castle residents have been increasingly, negatively impacted by the county airport, primarily due to noise from aircraft arriving on Runway 16. The number of residents raising noise and associated environmental concerns is increasing. This has been particularly troublesome for many residents because they moved to our community prior to the changes at the airport that have significantly increased the environmental impact of the airport on New Castle residents.
Degree of Support for County Resolution 245-2003 Opposing Airport Expansion (1-5)?
5 - We need to prevent airport expansion. The county owned airport should be a good neighbor to its constituent towns and residents, but that is not happening based on current use and actions that took place during the previous County administration and which were bless by the legislature. Expanded operations could only go to exacerbating the noise concerns of New Castle residents as well as other concerns such as water and air pollution and the outsized per capita carbon emissions contributed by private aviation at the airport.
Most Important Airport Issues?
Noise, air emissions, and water pollution are the most important issues to address. Noise pollution is the primary concern of our residents. It significantly impacts the quality of life for many residents. Frequent, low-flying aircraft can wake residents from sleep, interrupt their conversations, rattle their windows, and make both outdoor and indoor enjoyment of their properties and New Castle's many wonderful nature reserves and parks difficult. Air pollution is another important factor. Our residents live do not live in a densely populated urban environment by choice, our community has always been known for clean and fresh air, gardens and outdoor spaces. Continuous, low altitude aircraft arrivals over the full length of our Town’s geography, including over many of our schools, parks and reservoirs, heightens air pollution concerns. The air pollution created by the airport needs to be monitored more closely. Lastly, water pollution is an important concern. Aircraft arriving on Runway 16 often unnecessarily pivot at the Croton Reservoir and head for the outer marker before landing over the Kensico Reservoir. The Kensico is also at risk from groundwater pollution given its physical proximity to the airport property and ground operations. We thank the CTPWAE for their action in this regard related to the PFAS issue.
Further Considersation of Privatization?
No, we do not favor further consideration of airport privatization. That action that would presumably see a private owner incentivized to further increase utilization of the airport for financial gain. Current leases should be carefully reviewed, and any changes or renewals should be negotiated with affected residents in mind and cancelled/not-renewed if necessary. Any further changes to airport governance might be the county’s prerogative but such changes must consider the impact of the airport on the communities that surround it, not only the instant economic benefits to the county. Privatization of the airport should not be used as a pawn by anyone in ongoing budget discussions at the County. And finally, we support efforts to increase landing fees and would like to see pricing variable such that, for example, night and weekend hours are more expensive.
Track Record / Experience with Airport Issues?
As residents and now candidates for local office, Jim Smith, Lauren Levin and Sean Maraynes have been very involved in and focused on airport issues. (A) We have been regular attendees at the Westchester Airport Advisory Board meetings and some Coalition events. We have also been active on the New Castle Airport Advisory Board, a local organization within the Town that researches and recommends actions to the Town Board. (B) Jim worked with the owner of to develop and bring the noise complaint button to HPN. To date this has led to more than 20,000 airplane noise complaints being filed with the County in addition to the complaints that had traditionally been reported through the cumbersome county reporting process. This activity recently led to the Journal News writing a highly visible article (above and below the fold) that brought attention to airport concerns. (C) Jim and Lauren have written and spoken to County Executive George Latimer to encourage his leadership and support for our community. In April Jim wrote to the county to encourage them to hire HMMH to update their analysis of the airport noise issue. An update of the HMMH work completed under County Executive Spano in 2007/2008 in response to the FAA Environmental Impact Statement involving changing flight patterns was seen by Jim as an important first step. We believe the changes proposed at that time were in many ways the origin of the problem. Dialogue followed with the County and they indicated they were re-engaging HMMH and the results of the first phase of that work is now imminent. It is vitally important for the County to take further steps related to the information generated from that report to create transparency around the sources of the increased traffic over communities surrounding the airport. Noise contours are insufficient and outdated. More detailed analysis is necessary. (D) We have pushed our local elected officials on numerous occasions to become more aggressive in addressing airport related problems for our community. We have spoken at meetings, written emails and provided significant background briefing material. Lauren, along with several team members on the New Castle Airport Advisory Board, researched and found legal counsel to consult for the Town; they then secured the support of the Town Board to provide funding. (E) As candidates we have spoken to thousands of residents over the past seven months. We have always made a point to indicate our belief that mitigating airport related problems is an important issue for our Town. (F) We are also continually looking for ways to find solutions. Jim’s research capabilities, understanding of the technical aspects of the problems, and his connectivity with other communities around the country that face similar problems is continually turning up new ideas.
What Would You Do in Your Position?
The FAA is facing a groundswell of noise and environmental related concerns related to current air traffic and airport activity all around the country. Our airport must be well represented as this nation-wide concern continues to fester. If elected, we would ensure that our community and the wider HPN community is fully engaged and takes the steps necessary to be on the FAA’s radar. These steps include supporting the efforts of the Coalition. We believe the approach to change, and yes change with the support of the FAA, requires a multi-pronged approach. First, you need adequate data and analysis to turn anecdotal concerns into a clear analytic work product. This should include not only an analysis of the problem but preparation of alternative recommendations for change that experts (aviation counsel and/or consultants) believe are workable solutions. We have started that process in New Castle with aviation counsel but that effort must include cooperation with the county’s work with HMMH. Second, you need political support starting at the local level, including the county and state level, and especially including the federal representatives. Without political support by the airport owner (county) and others, change will be difficult to affect. We have started that dialogue with elected officials and believe that would grow and continue if elected and with adequate resident and airplane activity and data. Third, we must further engage the community around this issue, including increasing the number of households reporting noise and environmental concerns. Fourth, a dialog with the FAA should include all of the above. The appointment of a new regional ombudsman is imminent, and this is an obvious place to start and as local officials we would certainly develop a relationship with that person. On a larger scale the county and affected communities will need to collectively make their case to the FAA and work with the FAA. Jim has significant experience working for and opposite federal regulators and would bring that experience to this issue.
What Else that is Relevant to the Airport?
Team New Castle candidates Jim Smith (for New Castle Town Supervisor), Lauren Levin (for New Castle Town Council), and Sean Maraynes (for New Castle Town Council) do not have any further political aspirations besides serving the residents of New Castle. We care deeply about our community (and our property values). In the upcoming years, our Town Board needs to be even more effective in addressing this issue. In the last 7 months during our campaign, Jim sourced a 1-step button to log complaints; Lauren sourced legal counsel an aviation expert to represent the best interests of New Castle and overall, we have attended more Airport Advisory meetings both local and on the county level than our opponents. We are committed to fixing this problem and standing with the Coalition. The protection of our community from airport related impacts is one of the pillars of our campaign. The airport is a valuable asset to our community but that does not excuse it from being a good neighbor to the communities that are impacted by its operations. We will continue to devote significant time to this issue if elected.
Airport Impacts?
In the past 3 years, New Castle residents have been increasingly, negatively impacted by the county airport, primarily due to noise from aircraft arriving on Runway 16. The number of residents raising noise and associated environmental concerns is increasing. This has been particularly troublesome for many residents because they moved to our community prior to the changes at the airport that have significantly increased the environmental impact of the airport on New Castle residents.
Degree of Support for County Resolution 245-2003 Opposing Airport Expansion (1-5)?
5 - We need to prevent airport expansion. The county owned airport should be a good neighbor to its constituent towns and residents, but that is not happening based on current use and actions that took place during the previous County administration and which were bless by the legislature. Expanded operations could only go to exacerbating the noise concerns of New Castle residents as well as other concerns such as water and air pollution and the outsized per capita carbon emissions contributed by private aviation at the airport.
Most Important Airport Issues?
Noise, air emissions, and water pollution are the most important issues to address. Noise pollution is the primary concern of our residents. It significantly impacts the quality of life for many residents. Frequent, low-flying aircraft can wake residents from sleep, interrupt their conversations, rattle their windows, and make both outdoor and indoor enjoyment of their properties and New Castle's many wonderful nature reserves and parks difficult. Air pollution is another important factor. Our residents live do not live in a densely populated urban environment by choice, our community has always been known for clean and fresh air, gardens and outdoor spaces. Continuous, low altitude aircraft arrivals over the full length of our Town’s geography, including over many of our schools, parks and reservoirs, heightens air pollution concerns. The air pollution created by the airport needs to be monitored more closely. Lastly, water pollution is an important concern. Aircraft arriving on Runway 16 often unnecessarily pivot at the Croton Reservoir and head for the outer marker before landing over the Kensico Reservoir. The Kensico is also at risk from groundwater pollution given its physical proximity to the airport property and ground operations. We thank the CTPWAE for their action in this regard related to the PFAS issue.
Further Considersation of Privatization?
No, we do not favor further consideration of airport privatization. That action that would presumably see a private owner incentivized to further increase utilization of the airport for financial gain. Current leases should be carefully reviewed, and any changes or renewals should be negotiated with affected residents in mind and cancelled/not-renewed if necessary. Any further changes to airport governance might be the county’s prerogative but such changes must consider the impact of the airport on the communities that surround it, not only the instant economic benefits to the county. Privatization of the airport should not be used as a pawn by anyone in ongoing budget discussions at the County. And finally, we support efforts to increase landing fees and would like to see pricing variable such that, for example, night and weekend hours are more expensive.
Track Record / Experience with Airport Issues?
As residents and now candidates for local office, Jim Smith, Lauren Levin and Sean Maraynes have been very involved in and focused on airport issues. (A) We have been regular attendees at the Westchester Airport Advisory Board meetings and some Coalition events. We have also been active on the New Castle Airport Advisory Board, a local organization within the Town that researches and recommends actions to the Town Board. (B) Jim worked with the owner of to develop and bring the noise complaint button to HPN. To date this has led to more than 20,000 airplane noise complaints being filed with the County in addition to the complaints that had traditionally been reported through the cumbersome county reporting process. This activity recently led to the Journal News writing a highly visible article (above and below the fold) that brought attention to airport concerns. (C) Jim and Lauren have written and spoken to County Executive George Latimer to encourage his leadership and support for our community. In April Jim wrote to the county to encourage them to hire HMMH to update their analysis of the airport noise issue. An update of the HMMH work completed under County Executive Spano in 2007/2008 in response to the FAA Environmental Impact Statement involving changing flight patterns was seen by Jim as an important first step. We believe the changes proposed at that time were in many ways the origin of the problem. Dialogue followed with the County and they indicated they were re-engaging HMMH and the results of the first phase of that work is now imminent. It is vitally important for the County to take further steps related to the information generated from that report to create transparency around the sources of the increased traffic over communities surrounding the airport. Noise contours are insufficient and outdated. More detailed analysis is necessary. (D) We have pushed our local elected officials on numerous occasions to become more aggressive in addressing airport related problems for our community. We have spoken at meetings, written emails and provided significant background briefing material. Lauren, along with several team members on the New Castle Airport Advisory Board, researched and found legal counsel to consult for the Town; they then secured the support of the Town Board to provide funding. (E) As candidates we have spoken to thousands of residents over the past seven months. We have always made a point to indicate our belief that mitigating airport related problems is an important issue for our Town. (F) We are also continually looking for ways to find solutions. Jim’s research capabilities, understanding of the technical aspects of the problems, and his connectivity with other communities around the country that face similar problems is continually turning up new ideas.
What Would You Do in Your Position?
The FAA is facing a groundswell of noise and environmental related concerns related to current air traffic and airport activity all around the country. Our airport must be well represented as this nation-wide concern continues to fester. If elected, we would ensure that our community and the wider HPN community is fully engaged and takes the steps necessary to be on the FAA’s radar. These steps include supporting the efforts of the Coalition. We believe the approach to change, and yes change with the support of the FAA, requires a multi-pronged approach. First, you need adequate data and analysis to turn anecdotal concerns into a clear analytic work product. This should include not only an analysis of the problem but preparation of alternative recommendations for change that experts (aviation counsel and/or consultants) believe are workable solutions. We have started that process in New Castle with aviation counsel but that effort must include cooperation with the county’s work with HMMH. Second, you need political support starting at the local level, including the county and state level, and especially including the federal representatives. Without political support by the airport owner (county) and others, change will be difficult to affect. We have started that dialogue with elected officials and believe that would grow and continue if elected and with adequate resident and airplane activity and data. Third, we must further engage the community around this issue, including increasing the number of households reporting noise and environmental concerns. Fourth, a dialog with the FAA should include all of the above. The appointment of a new regional ombudsman is imminent, and this is an obvious place to start and as local officials we would certainly develop a relationship with that person. On a larger scale the county and affected communities will need to collectively make their case to the FAA and work with the FAA. Jim has significant experience working for and opposite federal regulators and would bring that experience to this issue.
What Else that is Relevant to the Airport?
Team New Castle candidates Jim Smith (for New Castle Town Supervisor), Lauren Levin (for New Castle Town Council), and Sean Maraynes (for New Castle Town Council) do not have any further political aspirations besides serving the residents of New Castle. We care deeply about our community (and our property values). In the upcoming years, our Town Board needs to be even more effective in addressing this issue. In the last 7 months during our campaign, Jim sourced a 1-step button to log complaints; Lauren sourced legal counsel an aviation expert to represent the best interests of New Castle and overall, we have attended more Airport Advisory meetings both local and on the county level than our opponents. We are committed to fixing this problem and standing with the Coalition. The protection of our community from airport related impacts is one of the pillars of our campaign. The airport is a valuable asset to our community but that does not excuse it from being a good neighbor to the communities that are impacted by its operations. We will continue to devote significant time to this issue if elected.
Airport Impacts?
In the past 3 years, New Castle residents have been increasingly, negatively impacted by the county airport, primarily due to noise from aircraft arriving on Runway 16. The number of residents raising noise and associated environmental concerns is increasing. This has been particularly troublesome for many residents because they moved to our community prior to the changes at the airport that have significantly increased the environmental impact of the airport on New Castle residents.
Degree of Support for County Resolution 245-2003 Opposing Airport Expansion (1-5)?
5 - We need to prevent airport expansion. The county owned airport should be a good neighbor to its constituent towns and residents, but that is not happening based on current use and actions that took place during the previous County administration and which were bless by the legislature. Expanded operations could only go to exacerbating the noise concerns of New Castle residents as well as other concerns such as water and air pollution and the outsized per capita carbon emissions contributed by private aviation at the airport.
Most Important Airport Issues?
Noise, air emissions, and water pollution are the most important issues to address. Noise pollution is the primary concern of our residents. It significantly impacts the quality of life for many residents. Frequent, low-flying aircraft can wake residents from sleep, interrupt their conversations, rattle their windows, and make both outdoor and indoor enjoyment of their properties and New Castle's many wonderful nature reserves and parks difficult. Air pollution is another important factor. Our residents live do not live in a densely populated urban environment by choice, our community has always been known for clean and fresh air, gardens and outdoor spaces. Continuous, low altitude aircraft arrivals over the full length of our Town’s geography, including over many of our schools, parks and reservoirs, heightens air pollution concerns. The air pollution created by the airport needs to be monitored more closely. Lastly, water pollution is an important concern. Aircraft arriving on Runway 16 often unnecessarily pivot at the Croton Reservoir and head for the outer marker before landing over the Kensico Reservoir. The Kensico is also at risk from groundwater pollution given its physical proximity to the airport property and ground operations. We thank the CTPWAE for their action in this regard related to the PFAS issue.
Further Considersation of Privatization?
No, we do not favor further consideration of airport privatization. That action that would presumably see a private owner incentivized to further increase utilization of the airport for financial gain. Current leases should be carefully reviewed, and any changes or renewals should be negotiated with affected residents in mind and cancelled/not-renewed if necessary. Any further changes to airport governance might be the county’s prerogative but such changes must consider the impact of the airport on the communities that surround it, not only the instant economic benefits to the county. Privatization of the airport should not be used as a pawn by anyone in ongoing budget discussions at the County. And finally, we support efforts to increase landing fees and would like to see pricing variable such that, for example, night and weekend hours are more expensive.
Track Record / Experience with Airport Issues?
As residents and now candidates for local office, Jim Smith, Lauren Levin and Sean Maraynes have been very involved in and focused on airport issues. (A) We have been regular attendees at the Westchester Airport Advisory Board meetings and some Coalition events. We have also been active on the New Castle Airport Advisory Board, a local organization within the Town that researches and recommends actions to the Town Board. (B) Jim worked with the owner of to develop and bring the noise complaint button to HPN. To date this has led to more than 20,000 airplane noise complaints being filed with the County in addition to the complaints that had traditionally been reported through the cumbersome county reporting process. This activity recently led to the Journal News writing a highly visible article (above and below the fold) that brought attention to airport concerns. (C) Jim and Lauren have written and spoken to County Executive George Latimer to encourage his leadership and support for our community. In April Jim wrote to the county to encourage them to hire HMMH to update their analysis of the airport noise issue. An update of the HMMH work completed under County Executive Spano in 2007/2008 in response to the FAA Environmental Impact Statement involving changing flight patterns was seen by Jim as an important first step. We believe the changes proposed at that time were in many ways the origin of the problem. Dialogue followed with the County and they indicated they were re-engaging HMMH and the results of the first phase of that work is now imminent. It is vitally important for the County to take further steps related to the information generated from that report to create transparency around the sources of the increased traffic over communities surrounding the airport. Noise contours are insufficient and outdated. More detailed analysis is necessary. (D) We have pushed our local elected officials on numerous occasions to become more aggressive in addressing airport related problems for our community. We have spoken at meetings, written emails and provided significant background briefing material. Lauren, along with several team members on the New Castle Airport Advisory Board, researched and found legal counsel to consult for the Town; they then secured the support of the Town Board to provide funding. (E) As candidates we have spoken to thousands of residents over the past seven months. We have always made a point to indicate our belief that mitigating airport related problems is an important issue for our Town. (F) We are also continually looking for ways to find solutions. Jim’s research capabilities, understanding of the technical aspects of the problems, and his connectivity with other communities around the country that face similar problems is continually turning up new ideas.
What Would You Do in Your Position?
The FAA is facing a groundswell of noise and environmental related concerns related to current air traffic and airport activity all around the country. Our airport must be well represented as this nation-wide concern continues to fester. If elected, we would ensure that our community and the wider HPN community is fully engaged and takes the steps necessary to be on the FAA’s radar. These steps include supporting the efforts of the Coalition. We believe the approach to change, and yes change with the support of the FAA, requires a multi-pronged approach. First, you need adequate data and analysis to turn anecdotal concerns into a clear analytic work product. This should include not only an analysis of the problem but preparation of alternative recommendations for change that experts (aviation counsel and/or consultants) believe are workable solutions. We have started that process in New Castle with aviation counsel but that effort must include cooperation with the county’s work with HMMH. Second, you need political support starting at the local level, including the county and state level, and especially including the federal representatives. Without political support by the airport owner (county) and others, change will be difficult to affect. We have started that dialogue with elected officials and believe that would grow and continue if elected and with adequate resident and airplane activity and data. Third, we must further engage the community around this issue, including increasing the number of households reporting noise and environmental concerns. Fourth, a dialog with the FAA should include all of the above. The appointment of a new regional ombudsman is imminent, and this is an obvious place to start and as local officials we would certainly develop a relationship with that person. On a larger scale the county and affected communities will need to collectively make their case to the FAA and work with the FAA. Jim has significant experience working for and opposite federal regulators and would bring that experience to this issue.
What Else that is Relevant to the Airport?
Team New Castle candidates Jim Smith (for New Castle Town Supervisor), Lauren Levin (for New Castle Town Council), and Sean Maraynes (for New Castle Town Council) do not have any further political aspirations besides serving the residents of New Castle. We care deeply about our community (and our property values). In the upcoming years, our Town Board needs to be even more effective in addressing this issue. In the last 7 months during our campaign, Jim sourced a 1-step button to log complaints; Lauren sourced legal counsel an aviation expert to represent the best interests of New Castle and overall, we have attended more Airport Advisory meetings both local and on the county level than our opponents. We are committed to fixing this problem and standing with the Coalition. The protection of our community from airport related impacts is one of the pillars of our campaign. The airport is a valuable asset to our community but that does not excuse it from being a good neighbor to the communities that are impacted by its operations. We will continue to devote significant time to this issue if elected.
Ivy Pool
Jason Lichtenthal
Jeremy Saland
We were unable to contact the following Candidates, who should NOT be treated as unresponsive:
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