Election Surveys - Harrison

Harrison Candidates 2019

See below how each candidate responded to questions about the airport -- and see who never responded at all.
  • Ron Belmont - Supervisor/Mayor

    Airport Impacts?

    Aircraft noise emissions is an impact felt by a number of my constituents, primarily those residing in Purchase.  Their concern centers not only on the annoyance they feel as it relates to disturbing the tranquility of our suburban community, but also on harmful effects that aircraft noise exposure may have on health and development.

    Degree of Support for County Resolution 245-2003 Opposing Airport Expansion (1-5)?

    3.5 - No comments

    Most Important Airport Issues?

    Airport expansion may affect air quality and the potential for harmful exhaust is a concern.  Any increase in the total capacity of the airport's runways, taxiways, ramps, gates, hangars, terminal, and motor vehicle parking areas or access can negatively impact our air quality.

    Further Consideration of Privatization?

    A primary concern of my constituents, regarding any airport privatization, is expansion.  I would advocate that any agreement include a no expansion policy and would keep in place any and all current restrictions.  As I understand it, my constituents' concern is that privatization will negatviely impact the environment by causing increased air, water and noise pollution, in Westchester County and the surrounding region, and that will negatively affect residential property values in our community.

    Track Record / Experience with Airport Issues?

    I met regularly with Roccy Turso, former Chairman of the Westchester County Airport Advisory Board, to discuss information pertaining to airport operations.

    What Would You Do in Your Position?

    Make recommendations to agencies that have regulatory authority over all aspects of the the airport, including but not limited to the US Environmental Protection Agency.

    What Else that is Relevant to the Airport?

    I will continue to advocate on behalf of Harrison residents and express constituents' concerns regarding the current footprint, number of gates, current passenger caps, and current curfew regulations.

  • Frank Gordon - Council/Trustee

    Airport Impacts?

    Harrison residents and businesses enjoy the convenience of having an airport nearby.  Economic benefits from an airport in the vicinity accrue to local businesses.  However, Harrison residents bemoan the negative impact on their quality of life of air, noise and water pollution from the airport.  These factors also diminish the value of their homes.  So Harrison residents’ views of the airport are decidedly mixed, primarily based on whether they reside in the prevailing flight paths of its aircraft.  Town officials would like businesses based at the airport to pay their fair share of local property taxes.

    Degree of Support for County Resolution 245-2003 Opposing Airport Expansion (1-5)?

    5 - Resolution 245-2003 represents a prudent guiding policy that recognizes that the airport is located in a dense suburban area near one of our primary sources of drinking water.

    Most Important Airport Issues?

    Noise, water and air pollution are important to address because of the need for tailored solutions given the uniqueness of the airport’s location.  Safety/security and other issues may be just as important but are more readily solvable because of the availability of solutions applicable to airports generally.  The nature of the noise, water and air pollution at the County Airport is somewhat sui generis.

    Further Consideration of Privatization?

    With respect to privatization, unless and until the public can be made comfortable with the economic and environmental impacts, it should not be undertaken. That has not been the case with the airport thus far.

    Track Record / Experience with Airport Issues?

    Members of the Moving Harrison Forward team of Frank Gordon, Lauren Leader and Michael Romita have frequently attended Airport Advisory Board meetings and public hearings on County Airport issues.  Each has actively participated in multiple meetings and forums of organizations relating to the airport, including your organization.

    What Would You Do in Your Position?

    Federal regulations preempt much local oversight of the airport and the County and local governments must take a strong stance on enforcing important environmental protections.  We must work as partners with the FAA but at the same time recognize that many of the FAA’s objectives differ from those of the County and Harrison.  We must come up with a equitable method of taxing airport businesses so that they bear their fair share of the costs of local municipal services.  We must be vigilant that we do not cede control of decision-making to the FAA or other third parties in areas that are not preempted by federal law.  We must carefully reexamine the premises of our prior decisions to ensure that they remain appropriate so that we don’t blindly follow past practices in a changed world.

    What Else that is Relevant to the Airport?

    Our primary concern is with the well-being of Harrison residents.  On balance, our constituents are dissatisfied with the current state of airport operations.  Their primary concerns are the diminution in their quality of life and values of their homes resulting from noise, water and air pollution relating to airport operations. Lauren, Michael and Frank look forward to representing the interests of concerned Harrison residents regarding these important issues.

  • Laren Leader - Council/Trustee

    Airport Impacts?

    Harrison residents and businesses enjoy the convenience of having an airport nearby.  Economic benefits from an airport in the vicinity accrue to local businesses.  However, Harrison residents bemoan the negative impact on their quality of life of air, noise and water pollution from the airport.  These factors also diminish the value of their homes.  So Harrison residents’ views of the airport are decidedly mixed, primarily based on whether they reside in the prevailing flight paths of its aircraft.  Town officials would like businesses based at the airport to pay their fair share of local property taxes.

    Degree of Support for County Resolution 245-2003 Opposing Airport Expansion (1-5)?

    5 - Resolution 245-2003 represents a prudent guiding policy that recognizes that the airport is located in a dense suburban area near one of our primary sources of drinking water.

    Most Important Airport Issues?

    Noise, water and air pollution are important to address because of the need for tailored solutions given the uniqueness of the airport’s location.  Safety/security and other issues may be just as important but are more readily solvable because of the availability of solutions applicable to airports generally.  The nature of the noise, water and air pollution at the County Airport is somewhat sui generis.

    Further Consideration of Privatization?

    With respect to privatization, unless and until the public can be made comfortable with the economic and environmental impacts, it should not be undertaken. That has not been the case with the airport thus far.

    Track Record / Experience with Airport Issues?

    Members of the Moving Harrison Forward team of Frank Gordon, Lauren Leader and Michael Romita have frequently attended Airport Advisory Board meetings and public hearings on County Airport issues.  Each has actively participated in multiple meetings and forums of organizations relating to the airport, including your organization.

    What Would You Do in Your Position?

    Federal regulations preempt much local oversight of the airport and the County and local governments must take a strong stance on enforcing important environmental protections.  We must work as partners with the FAA but at the same time recognize that many of the FAA’s objectives differ from those of the County and Harrison.  We must come up with a equitable method of taxing airport businesses so that they bear their fair share of the costs of local municipal services.  We must be vigilant that we do not cede control of decision-making to the FAA or other third parties in areas that are not preempted by federal law.  We must carefully reexamine the premises of our prior decisions to ensure that they remain appropriate so that we don’t blindly follow past practices in a changed world.

    What Else that is Relevant to the Airport?

    Our primary concern is with the well-being of Harrison residents.  On balance, our constituents are dissatisfied with the current state of airport operations.  Their primary concerns are the diminution in their quality of life and values of their homes resulting from noise, water and air pollution relating to airport operations. Lauren, Michael and Frank look forward to representing the interests of concerned Harrison residents regarding these important issues.

  • Carlo Riccobono - Council/Trustee

    Airport Impacts?

    Our residents are complaining about Noise when taking off and Landing.  Helicopters are also an issue with noise late at night.

    Degree of Support for County Resolution 245-2003 Opposing Airport Expansion (1-5)?

    5 - The Airport serves the purpose as is and should not be expanded any larger.

    Most Important Airport Issues?

    Water Pollution: This is critical to protect our water.  Noise: We need to stop the Late Night Air Travel (most of the Noise is from Helicopters) which fly late in the evenings/early morning hours.

    Further Consideration of Privatization?

    I support the improvement for the terminal and any facility upgrades for safety however I am against any expansion of the airport.

    Track Record / Experience with Airport Issues?

    I have only attended 2 public meetings regarding the airport.  I am an active volunteer firefighter with the West Harrison F.D. (37 years) and I have attended several [airport] drills in the past several years.

    What Would You Do in Your Position?

    I would speak out about regarding improving the facility's passenger area and safety but would strongly oppose against expansion of the airport size and larger aircraft.  I also would like to see the Curfew enforced better.

    What Else that is Relevant to the Airport?

    The companies that are located on the grounds of the airport should pay their share of taxes to all of the Towns that are attached to the airport.  We have to supply fire emergency response, police response as needed but we do not collect any revenue for this.

  • Michael Romita - Council/Trustee

    Airport Impacts?

    Harrison residents and businesses enjoy the convenience of having an airport nearby.  Economic benefits from an airport in the vicinity accrue to local businesses.  However, Harrison residents bemoan the negative impact on their quality of life of air, noise and water pollution from the airport.  These factors also diminish the value of their homes.  So Harrison residents’ views of the airport are decidedly mixed, primarily based on whether they reside in the prevailing flight paths of its aircraft.  Town officials would like businesses based at the airport to pay their fair share of local property taxes.

    Degree of Support for County Resolution 245-2003 Opposing Airport Expansion (1-5)?

    5 - Resolution 245-2003 represents a prudent guiding policy that recognizes that the airport is located in a dense suburban area near one of our primary sources of drinking water.

    Most Important Airport Issues?

    Noise, water and air pollution are important to address because of the need for tailored solutions given the uniqueness of the airport’s location.  Safety/security and other issues may be just as important but are more readily solvable because of the availability of solutions applicable to airports generally.  The nature of the noise, water and air pollution at the County Airport is somewhat sui generis.

    Further Consideration of Privatization?

    With respect to privatization, unless and until the public can be made comfortable with the economic and environmental impacts, it should not be undertaken. That has not been the case with the airport thus far.

    Track Record / Experience with Airport Issues?

    Members of the Moving Harrison Forward team of Frank Gordon, Lauren Leader and Michael Romita have frequently attended Airport Advisory Board meetings and public hearings on County Airport issues.  Each has actively participated in multiple meetings and forums of organizations relating to the airport, including your organization.

    What Would You Do in Your Position?

    Federal regulations preempt much local oversight of the airport and the County and local governments must take a strong stance on enforcing important environmental protections.  We must work as partners with the FAA but at the same time recognize that many of the FAA’s objectives differ from those of the County and Harrison.  We must come up with a equitable method of taxing airport businesses so that they bear their fair share of the costs of local municipal services.  We must be vigilant that we do not cede control of decision-making to the FAA or other third parties in areas that are not preempted by federal law.  We must carefully reexamine the premises of our prior decisions to ensure that they remain appropriate so that we don’t blindly follow past practices in a changed world.

    What Else that is Relevant to the Airport?

    Our primary concern is with the well-being of Harrison residents.  On balance, our constituents are dissatisfied with the current state of airport operations.  Their primary concerns are the diminution in their quality of life and values of their homes resulting from noise, water and air pollution relating to airport operations. Lauren, Michael and Frank look forward to representing the interests of concerned Harrison residents regarding these important issues.

  • Frederick Sciliano - Council/Trustee

    Airport Impacts?

    Areas of town in close surrounding vicinity of the airport experience noise when planes are taking off

    Degree of Support for County Resolution 245-2003 Opposing Airport Expansion (1-5)?

    5 - No comments

    Most Important Airport Issues?

    prevention of water pollution many municipalities depend on the reservoir for their water source

    Further Consideration of Privatization?

    I support terminal and facility upgrades for efficiency and safety without expanding airport

    Track Record / Experience with Airport Issues?

    Attended hearings on privatization, involved with WHFD as a volunteer firefighter attended drills

    What Would You Do in Your Position?

    Speak to safety improvements but against expansion 

    What Else that is Relevant to the Airport?

    We have to keep in mind the airport is an economic driver for the county , I feel strongly that the operators of the hanger facilities should pay property taxes to the municipalities they reside in at least pay for Police and Fire Protection that is supplied.

  • Those who did NOT RESPOND



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